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About VPNPacket

Saving The Internet

The idea of VPNPacket was born from the belief that VPNs should be independent and free of censorship and manipulation.

Like many, we’ve experienced the rise of the internet from its birth. We saw it start out as a place of freedom and expression. But over the years, it’s become a wild-west for corporations, governments and hackers to restrict and sell data.

There’s always a feeling that someone is watching over your shoulder, ready to share your true browsing habits or shut the door in your face.

So as developers, we sat down and crafted the VPN we would want ourselves. One that’s private, fast and doesn’t track or share data. One that is perfect for browsing, working, movies and gaming. No matter who you are, or where you are.


Protecting Data

Our philosophy is at the core of everything we do. We believe that internet users should be able to browse, be entertained and work without anyone else peering in through the keyhole. We keep your digital doors locked!

Sadly, many VPNs sell a promise of privacy but collect and sell data to third parties and governments.

That’s why VPNPacket is entirely self-funded, free from VC pressure, and uses a strict no-logs policy. As we charge a subscription fee, we don’t need to turn to dodgy practices like selling your data and browsing history to make money.

We don’t contain 3rd party analysts, social widgets, test platforms or tracks. When you connect, nobody can see your data and it isn’t stored or leaked.


Total Control

VPNPacket is designed to give you complete freedom over how much personal information you provide. We even allow anonymous payments and registration.

We also give you the freedom to choose from a vast selection of global servers and never sell the information you provide to us. We’re strict no-logs and no-data sharing!


Easy to Use

As regular people and VPN users ourselves, our team knows how important user interface and set-up are.

We’ve designed every step in our VPN to be as simple as possible. From router set-up to server selection and customer support, VPNPacket is a breeze.


Who Are We Now?

Years on from those early ideas of an internet revolution, VPNPacket has become a VPN service trusted by internet users from across the globe – from censored regions to frequent flyers.

Our users enjoy fast speeds, with their data and personal information safe at all times.

We pride ourselves on providing gamers and streamers with rapid speeds, so they can reach the top of their game.

Our no-logs policy is alive and strong. We haven’t shared a thing about any of our customers. We’re strong fighters for content freedom, human rights, journalists and activists.


How Can I Contact You?

We love to hear from our users on improvements and opinions. You can contact our team directly through:


Sharing is Caring

Are you a fan of VPNPacket? Feel free to share this page with anyone who might benefit from our unique VPN service. Word of mouth is the way VPNPacket grows, as we’re independently funded. Growth means increased speed and security!