Warrant Canary
We, VPNPacket, are committed to being transparent and taking full control of our service. Private information of our users has never been disclosed or seized, nor have we been compromised or suffered a data breach.
As of 12th March 2025 VPNPacket has received:
- 0 National Security letters;
- 0 Gag orders;
- 0 Warrants from a government organization;
- Never turned over our encryption or authentication keys or our customers’ encryption or authentication keys to anyone;
- Never installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network;
- Never provided any law enforcement organization a feed of our customers’ content transiting our network;
- Never modified customer content at the request of law enforcement or another third party;
- Never modified the intended destination of DNS responses at the request of law enforcement or another third party;
- Never weakened, compromised, or subverted any of its encryption at the request of law enforcement or another third party.
To ensure your privacy and security, we guarantee a strict no logs policy – we don’t monitor, log or store your online activities. Ever. To learn more about Why VPN Warrant Canaries Matter matter please read more at our blog.